A few years ago, I discovered that universal gravitation is caused by the residual effect of the strong nuclear force beyond the atomic nuclei of all matter particles. Subsequently, I found that Newton’s first and third laws of motion are basically the same and are unified under the fourth fundamental force of nature, which is the gravitational force that comes from the residual effect of the first fundamental force of nature (strong nuclear force).

The gravitational force is directly proportional to mass of a body, which is the most important thing in the three laws of motion:
a) The mass of a body is the inertia that defines the first law of motion.
b) An accelerating mass is the force that defines the second law of motion.
c) The mass of a body provides the equal and opposite reaction to an external force, which is what defines the third law of motion.

Mass is what unifies the three laws of motion and the mass of a body is directly proportional to its gravitational force. So, it became clearer why the same man that first observed the law of universal gravitation happens to be the same person, who came up with the ideas of the three laws of motion considering the importance of universal gravitation in the three laws of motion. Even though Isaac Newton was the first person to discover that there was a law of universal but he could not explain what causes universal gravitation. He was also unable to explain what causes inertia in his laws of motion because the basic concept of quantum physics and the structure of matter had not yet been properly developed in the days of Isaac Newton (25 December 1642-20 March 1727).  

Moreover, most of Newton’s ideas behind the formulation of the three laws of motion were done by scaling relativity phenomena down to infinitesimal sizes through the mathematical concept of calculus, which measures the rates of change such as the rate of change of velocity with respect to time.  Based on this “calculus” approach, Isaac Newton thought that time flows at an unchanging rate everywhere in the universe.
Over a century later, Albert Einstein’s (14 March 1879- 18 April 1955) recent theories of relativity proved that the rate time flows depends on the relative motion between observers in space and the strength of acceleration or gravitational forces between them.  

Explicitly, recent theories of relativity confirm that all movements in space-time are relativity events, which are normally dominated by the gravitational forces that constitute the fourth fundamental force of nature. Although, the gravitational forces play the most significant role in the events of relative motions in space-time but the frictional forces (including friction due to air resistance) from  electromagnetic interactions (physical) of the second fundamental force of nature also contribute significantly to relative motion in space.For example, it is due to the effects of frictional forces that a book that is sliding on a table eventually slows down until it comes to a rest state. Otherwise, the book will continue its motion in the same direction until an external force causes a change in its motion.

Today, there is a much better understanding of the basic concepts of relativity and the quantum mechanics required for predicting the behavior of matter particles in all phenomena. From this modern day view point, let us now consider a simpler alternative approach for reviewing the philosophical foundation of Newton’s three laws of motion by reducing the scale of all relativity phenomena down to sub-microscopic or quantum range.


In the past, people once erroneously believed that a moving object would eventually come to a rest position if left to itself until Isaac Newton proved this notion to be wrong. In addition, many people once thought that a force was required to keep an object in motion but Isaac Newton proved that a force is not required to keep an object in motion. On the contrary, a force is required to slow down a moving object or bring it to rest state; otherwise, it will keep moving in uniform motion forever. If you could launch a rocket into a region in space that is far from all gravitational and frictional influences, the rocket will continue its motion forever in the same direction at constant speed without stopping.

Newton’s First and Third Laws Of Motion

According to Newton’s First Law of Motion, every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. This is usually considered as the definition of inertia.          
What is “Inertia”? It refers to the natural tendency of objects to resist changes to their state of motion.  In physics, “inertia” is the resistance with which a body by virtue of its own mass opposes a change in its velocity.  
So, what is the cause of Inertia? Inertia is the equal and opposite reaction that is equivalent to the mass of a body in order to resist a change of motion by an external force.  From the modern day view point of quantum mechanics, the primary cause of inertia is the gravitational pull from the coalition of all matter particles of a body in order to produce an equal and opposite reaction to resist a change by an external force regardless of the magnetic nature of the external force in the field of the four fundamental forces of nature. The basis of Newton’s third law of motion is this resistance that comes from the mass of a body as a reaction that opposes a change of its state of motion by an external force.   Newton’s third law of motion states that;
“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” 
The equal and opposite reaction to the action of an external force on a body is the reciprocal gravitational pull from the mass of a body in form of what is called inertia.     
Let us recall from my previous blog posts that the mass of matter primarily originates from the strong force (first fundamental force) that is revealed beyond the nuclei of matter particles through the gravitational force, which is the fourth fundamental force of nature. As a residue of the electrically neutral strong nuclear force that pulls everything unconditionally, the gravitational force in matter particles also pulls every external thing unconditionally regardless of polarities of an external force or mass.  In the light of these new discoveries, the definition of inertia can be modified from the view point of quantum mechanics;

“Inertia” can be better re-defined from a quantum mechanics approach, as the gravitational pull from all the matter particles in a mass, which produces an equal and opposite reaction to external changes from the magnetic field(s) of any of the four fundamental forces of nature.

The parallel of principle of the reaction to an external force by inertia or the mass of a body can be better understood from the biblical principle that teaches a person to love his neighbor as himself.
Paradoxically, the equal and opposite reaction that creates a natural tendency in matter particles to oppose changes to their state of motion is actually borne out of the mutual affection that keeps everything in balance in their space-time orbit! As I previously explained in my blog concerning the “four fundamental forces of nature, the gravitational force is the natural affection that keeps all heavenly bodies together in space orbit as one family, as a parallel of the fourth biblical description of love that is translated from the Greek word “storge”.  This Greek biblical word for the describing the fourth kind of “love” describes the natural affection between members of the same family.  Biblically, the residual nature of God’s unconditional love causes all creatures to gravitate towards one another as members of the same family of God’s creatures. Similarly, the gravitational force is the residual magnetism of the strong nuclear force beyond the nucleus, which causes all matter particles in space-time to gravitate towards each other.

‘Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God.’ (1John 4:7)

As a type of the residual nature of the unconditional love of God that is without any bias, the gravitational force that comes from the residual nature of the strong force always attracts everything in all directions. So, gravity is not necessarily the force that draws smaller objects to larger ones but it is an essential property of all matter particles with mass, which causes them to exert an unconditional mutual force of affection on each other. “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”   
A heavier mass regardless of its size can only pull all the matter particles that form the mass of a lighter body while the lighter mass uses its inertia to pull a corresponding amount of its matter particles from the heavier mass, as an equal and opposite reaction.   So, gravity is not one object pulling another but it is a mutual force of affection on each other because any two masses exert a mutual pull. If object A exerts a force on object B, then object B also exerts an equal force on object A. This is nature’s reminder of the second most natural expression of the unified field of all the laws of nature, which is love your neighbour as yourself, which means the bigger you are, the more natural affection you should exhibit.

‘And the second is like, namely this, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.’ (Mark 12: 31).

As a type of yourself, you use the gravitational force that is equivalent to the mass of your body to reciprocate your neighbor’s love, whose affection is a type of an external force such as the gravitational pull from a neighboring body in space. If the external force in form of gravitational pull from a neighboring body is greater than the gravitational pull from the inertia of your body, a change in the state of your motion will occur, which would pull you towards the affection of the external force. This pull that brings you closer to the external force is the acceleration due to changes in the state of your motion.
Naturally, the object with a heavier mass possesses more inertia such that it would therefore exert a greater pull of gravity or natural affection in excess of the mass of the lighter body.  In other words, the difference of the net inertial pull due to the additional matter particles of the heavier mass is what causes the lighter mass to move towards the heavier mass in universal gravitation. This acceleration of the lighter mass is what compensates the equal and opposite reaction that balances the difference in inertial pull between the matter particles of the heavier mass and the lighter mass. Hence, the inertia of the heavier mass above lighter mass is what causes the smaller mass to move closer to the heavier mass.

NEWTON’s Second Law Of Motion

Generally, the movement of bodies during interactions will usually depend on the inertia of the bodies exchanging forces. So, a more massive object has a greater tendency to resist changes in its state of motion in comparison with a lighter mass.  Except if another external force is involved, the illustration above also indicates that there will be no change in the movement of two bodies exerting gravitational pull on each other if the matter particles that form the mass of the two bodies are in equilibrium (equal). This is the basis of Newton’s second law of motion, which explains how the velocity of an object changes when it is subjected to an external force. Typical examples of external forces that are often present are the frictional forces due to the electromagnetic interactions that are classified under nature’s second fundamental forces (second type of magnetism).  

With reference to the second law of motion, an external force will cause a change in velocity of a mass just as a change in velocity of a mass will produce a force. Therefore, the second law of motion defines a force as a mass that changes its velocity and this rate of change of velocity within a specified period of time is called acceleration.                            
In a literal sense, acceleration is the change of velocity either in form of a push or pull.  For an object with a constant mass m, the second law of motion states that the force F is the product of the object's mass and its acceleration a:  Force = mass * acceleration

The second law of motion also defines a force as a change in momentum(mass times velocity) within a specified period of time. Force = mass * rate of change of velocity within a specified period of time.
A force by literal definition is a change in momentum due to a mass that changes its velocity either in form of a push or pull (accelerating mass). Forces only exist due to the interactions between two objects or more and all observable interactions in the universe are caused by the influence of one or more of the four types of magnetism, which are also known as the four fundamental forces of nature. Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state through the interactions with any of the four types of magnetism that are called the four fundamental forces of nature. Changes caused by the interactions with the field of any of these four types of magnetism results in the change in the velocity of the mass of an object in form of a push or pull, otherwise described as acceleration.
Therefore, a force from a quantum physics perspectivecan be better re-defined as a push or pull due to a change in the magnetic field from any of the four types of magnetism, which are also called the four fundamental forces of nature.

References from my book titled; Unified Field Theory Confirmed With New Scientific Discoveries!!  (New Editions now available on ISBNs: 978-0-9569702-6-8 and 978-0-9569702-8-2)

Stay tuned……

Applications of Infrared Technology in the Bible (Thermal Imaging)

As the planet goes around the sun, another new year has come around just as they say that; “what goes around comes around”.  Likewise, my last blog post that went around as the “ghost-like nature of electron neutrino” has come around again with a new topic on “thermal imaging”.
In my last blog post, it was earlier established that the infrared is the carrier of the seven types of electromagnetic energy that constitute the three spectra of lights even though it is also one of the seven types of electromagnetic energy. All forms of matter vibrate and radiate in infrared and it is scientifically confirmed that anything that does not emit infrared does not exist. Everything that exists including ice has a temperature and radiates in infrared by virtue of its temperature.
Consequently, the easiest way to detect the existence or specific location of an object is to check its temperature through infrared radiation because all forms of matter that exist emit infrared radiation by virtue of their temperature.

For instance, there is a biblical account of how the Spirit of the Lord used different range of infrared radiations or temperatures that were symbolized by the cloud and fire to accurately survey and detect the specific location of everything in an opposition camp. The location of the opponent under surveillance was confirmed and targeted with precision by observing them through different infrared or temperature range beginning with the high temperature symbolized by fire down to the extremely cold temperature of ice droplets that form the cloud. This event occurred over three thousand years before the scientific discovery of thermal imaging or thermography.

‘And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the LORD looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians.’ (Exodus 14: 24)

Historically, this event occurred when Pharaoh the king of Egypt and his armies opposed the deliverance of the Israelites from the bondage of slavery such that the Lord became an opponent to the armies of Pharaoh and brought them under thermo graphic surveillance in the battlefield.
With reference to the scriptural context above, infrared imaging including thermography is used in the military for surveillance and target acquisition purposes based on the fact that all bodies emit infrared due to their temperature. Likewise, the Spirit of the Lord used supernatural infrared imaging in the context above to target the opponent by observing them through different temperature ranges for target acquisition purposes.  
In military tactics, a thermographic surveillance is your best strategy to capture moving targets in the dark or as a night vision device for improving visibility in the dark in the absence of visible light sources! It is worth mentioning that the Egyptian armies under Pharaoh had already been subjected to a cloud of darkness, which explains why the Lord brought Pharaoh and his armies under thermo graphic surveillance. By the time the morning light appeared, the Egyptian armies had begun to drown in the midst of the Red Sea.

“And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these:  so that the one came not near the other all the night….and the sea returned to his strength when the morning appeared, and the Egyptians fled against it; and the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the Sea.” (Exodus 14: 20)

Intriguingly, the above historical account of thermo graphic surveillance occurred many years before the scientific discovery of infrared light or thermal imaging. Today, the infrared light has many useful applications in our modern world, which includes weather forecast, night vision devices that are used for improving visibility in the dark in the absence of visible light sources, etc.

Heat or infrared radiation is a type of electromagnetic energy that is emitted by all objects because of their temperature. According to the third law of thermodynamics, it is impossible for any form of matter that exists to reach a temperature of absolute zero degree Kelvin (-273.15 degree Celsius). Any object that exists has a temperature including ice and must emit infrared radiation due to its temperature.
In many biblical accounts, the low temperature infrared manifestation of energy by the Spirit of God is usually symbolized by a cloud, which is a reference to a visible mass of ice droplets or frozen crystals floating in the atmosphere. At high temperature infrared range, the cloud of the Spirit changes to fire that is often accompanied with lightning discharges of supernatural electrical energy such as the biblical account of Ezekiel’s vision (Ezekiel 1). Hence, the fire that symbolizes a high temperature infrared radiation usually accompanies a very energetic presence of the Spirit of God. In another scriptural example below, the cloud of the LORD that was upon the tabernacle by day changed to fire at night due to increase in temperature or infrared radiation. 

‘And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them by the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night.’ (Exodus 13: 21)

Both the cloud and fiery manifestations in the context above provided a supernatural air conditioner that corresponded to low and high emission of infrared energy. The cloud that symbolized the low temperature infrared manifestation of the Spirit protected the people by absorbing excessive heat in the daytime just as the cloud that covers the Earth acts as a cooling system that shields the planet from excessive heat.
At the upper range, the fiery manifestation at night symbolizes the high temperature infrared manifestation of spiritual energy that provided warmth to the people in the cold of the night.
Similarly, most applications of infrared technology are also based on the principle that the infrared is the electromagnetic energy that is emitted by all objects due to their temperature, which ranges from low to high.
Let us recall from my last blog post that all the seven types of electromagnetic energy are different expressions of infrared radiation even though what is usually called infrared refers to the natural frequency of the electron outside the nucleus, which is just below the electromagnetic energy of visible light spectrum. The highest expression of infrared is the gamma ray spectrum that resides in the nucleus in form of the unification of the seven types of electromagnetic energy. This gamma ray that comes from the unification of the seven types of electromagnetic energy is like the light of the word of God that comes from the unification of the seven types of spiritual energy.

Interestingly, the same way that the search light of the word of God can easily detect anything through the unified signals from its seven sources of spiritual energy is parallel to how the gamma ray is used to detect all things through the unified signals of its seven types of electromagnetic energy.

‘For the word of God is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.’ (Hebrews 4: 12-13)
By comparison, the searchlight of the gamma ray that comes from the unification of the seven types of electromagnetic energy is parallel to the searchlight of the Word of God that comes from the unification of the seven types of spiritual energy that are called the seven eyes of the Lord.
These seven eyes of the Lord are also called the seven Spirits of God and they have parallel attributes to the seven types of electromagnetic energy.

“...having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth.’ (Revelation 5:6)

The same manner that the seven types of electromagnetic energy emit thermal radiation in form of the seven photons of light is parallel to how the seven eyes that are called the seven Spirits of God emit supernatural thermal radiation in form of seven lamps of fire. The infrared or thermal radiations emitted from the seven Spirits that are called the seven eyes of God are in form of seven lamps that could discern all things through thermal imaging just like the seven photons of light.

‘…. and there are seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.’ (Revelation 4:5)
‘His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;’ (Revelation 1: 14)

Each of the seven lamps that are called the seven Spirits of God is a representation of the spiritual energy that manifests the light of the word of God through one of the seven manifestations of the Spirit of prophecy (Isaiah 11: 1-2, 1Samuel 3: 3-7; Exodus 25: 37 & 27: 30).  “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet; and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119: 105).
Moreover, the seven types of light photons are the same as the seven types of electromagnetic energy inside the gamma ray just as the seven burning lamps of fire are also known as the seven Spirits of God or the seven types of spiritual energy in the light of God’s word.

A lamp is a source of light or electromagnetic radiation that is in form of a stream of photons travelling at the speed of light. With reference to the scriptural contexts above, the seven Spirits of God that manifests as seven burning lamps of fire are the same as the seven eyes of the Lord that are sent out to all the earth. This description is exactly parallel to how the seven types of electromagnetic energy that detect all things in form of the seven streams of light photons run to and fro the entire universe as far as the earth in form electromagnetic radiation travelling at the speed of light. As an electromagnetic radiation, light travels in a vacuum at the amazing speed of about 186,282.4 miles per second (about 299,792.458 kilometres per second).

Captivatingly, the streams of the seven types of photons travelling at the speed of natural light in a vacuum could go round the earth seven times in less than a second. So, you can imagine the incredible speed of supernatural photons that are in form of the seven lamps that are called the seven Spirits of God or the seven eyes of God that are sent into every part of the universe down to the earth like electromagnetic radiation?

‘The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.’ (Proverbs 15:3)

‘…For they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of those seven; for they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth.’ (Zechariah 4:10)

References from my books titled:
1)       “Theory Of Everything...New Scientific Discoveries!” – Copyright ã Olufolahan Akintola, 2010, 2011.
2)       “Unified Field Theory Confirmed With New Scientific Discoveries!!” – Copyright ã Olufolahan Akintola, 2010, 2011.

Stay tuned....

Ghost-like Nature Of Electron Neutrino (Part 2)

My previous blog post revealed how an “electron” is a charged wave of energy with parallel attributes that can be likened to the description of a “spirit” while an “electron neutrino” is a neutral wave of energy with “ghost-like” attributes. It explained how the slight difference between the usage of the word “electron” and “electron neutrino” is analogous to the slight difference between the usage of the word “spirit” and “ghost”. 

Generally, the word breath is the same as spirit and the Bible often likens the manifestation of a spirit to the electric spark or lightning discharges of a charged electron. When all the spark of energy in a person’s breath is exhausted, the spirit departs from the body as a ghostlike entity just like an electron that loses its charge undergoes transition into a ghostlike state.   

 ‘And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.’ (Luke 23:47)

In view of above, a spirit that departs from its physical body to a ghost-like entity due to exhaustion could be likened to an electron that loses all the sparks of its electric charge due to exhaustion and undergoes transition to a ghost-like state of an electron neutrino.

On the other hand, the charge of an electron could also be neutralized to a ghost-like state of an electron neutrino due to a tremendous increase in its electromagnetic energy to the extent that its energy undergoes transition from electromagnetic to the higher realm of nuclear energy, which is electrically neutral. This renewal of electromagnetic energy to the higher phase of nuclear energy can be likened to the phenomenon of resurrection whereby a spirit that has lost its charge receives a renewal of energy up to the higher realm of spiritual nuclear energy that comes from the Holy Ghost.

 ‘Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost.’ (Titus 1:5)

My previous blog post also revealed how electron neutrinos naturally appear to travel faster than electrons even though they are both energy carriers (nuclear and electromagnetic energy respectively). This is due to the fact that the speed of a fast moving electron could be retarded by physical or electromagnetic interactions with other charged particles because its negative charge is always drawn towards the positive charge of a nearby proton or repelled by neighbouring electrons. 

In comparison, the absence of an electric charge in electron neutrinos give them a ghost-like subatomic property that is not disturbed by these electromagnetic interactions (physical) due to absence of an electric charge, the neutral waves of an electron neutrino always enable it to easily and gently pass through matter undisturbed almost at the speed of light in a vacuum. . This absence of an electric charge that gives electron neutrino a ghostlike nature is the crucial thing that differentiates it from an electron because they are both energy carriers that use infrared radiation as the medium of energy transfer to all other forms of energy or thermodynamic work.

As a charged wave-particle, the movement of the electron naturally causes the flow of electrical energy, which simultaneously releases energy in form of heat or infrared radiation, as the medium of transfer to all other forms of energy.
On the other hand, the electron neutrino is a neutral wave-particle that directly releases energy through the heat or infrared radiation that comes from nuclear energy as the medium of transfer of energy to all forms of energy. In other words, the energy conveyed by electron neutrino out of the nucleus is through the heat or infrared radiation that comes from the seven types of electromagnetic energy that are unified as nuclear energy. This heat conveyed by electron neutrino in form of infrared radiation from the seven types of electromagnetic energy that are unified as nuclear energy is parallel to the heat from the fire of the seven burning lamps of spiritual energy or the seven Spirits of God that are unified in the Personality called the Holy Ghost.
‘…. and there are seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.’ (Revelation 4:5)


Heat or infrared radiation is a form of energy in transit possessed by a substance by virtue of vibration movement and temperature is the measure of vibration of energy in a body.

The scientific definition of heat is energy in transit and the change in any form of potential energy either through emission or absorption of heat is the kinetic energy that is called infrared radiation.

Interestingly, what is often referred to as infrared radiation is the natural frequency of the electron outside the nucleus, which defines the threshold of the third spectrum of light, as a type of the light that describes the third member of the Godhead. However, it is worth emphasising that the infrared spectrum is not limited to the third spectrum of light but it is also part of the nature of the remaining two spectra of light. This can be understood from how the third member of the Godhead is also part of the nature of the two other members of the Godhead, as the energy carrier and the breath of God either in the capacity of the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost.  
A detailed explanation of these parallels can be found in my books titled “Theory Of Everything...New Scientific Discoveries” and “Unified Field Theory Confirmed With New Scientific Discoveries” – Copyright ã Olufolahan Akintola, 2010, 2011.

As a matter of fact, the infrared is the carrier of the seven types of electromagnetic energy that make up the three spectra of lights even though it is also one of the seven types of electromagnetic energy.  In other words, the infrared is the energy that converts the potential energy of the seven types of electromagnetic energy into kinetic energy through the movement of the electron and its neutrino, which results in absorption or emission of heat.

Scientifically, all the seven types of electromagnetic energy emit infrared radiation at different temperature just like the heat that comes from the fire of the seven burning lamps of spiritual energy that are called the seven Spirits of God. All forms of matter vibrate and radiate in infrared and it is scientifically confirmed that anything that does not emit infrared does not exist.

The easiest way to detect the existence of an object is through its infrared radiation because any form of matter that exists emits infrared radiation by virtue of its temperature. For instance, the human body vibrates and radiates at wavelengths of about 12μm (micrometers). This amount of vibration determines the internal energy and temperature of the body and it is expressed in form of heat that is otherwise known as infrared radiation. Everything that exists has a temperature and radiates in infrared by virtue of its temperature.

According to the third law of thermodynamics, it is impossible for any form of matter that exists to reach a temperature of absolute zero degree Kelvin (-273.15 degree Celsius). A temperature of absolute zero degree Kelvin simply means that the matter does not exist, as it indicates that no particles are vibrating because the body or object is completely devoid of energy.

Everything that exists has a level of vibration that is expressed through infrared radiation.  The electron neutrino is the carrier of nuclear energy that is responsible for vibration within the nucleus while the electron is the carrier of electromagnetic energy that is mostly responsible for vibrations outside the nucleus. All the seven types of electromagnetic energy are different expressions of infrared radiation even though what is usually called infrared refers to the natural frequency of the electron outside the nucleus, which is just below the electromagnetic energy of visible light spectrum. The highest expression of infrared is the gamma ray spectrum that resides in the nucleus in form of the unification of the seven types of electromagnetic energy.

Indwelling And Outpoured Electron

Whenever the electromagnetic energy conveyed by a charged electron outsides the nucleus reaches its climax by ascending from its natural frequency to gamma ray frequency through extreme heat absorption, there is a transition of its electromagnetic energy to nuclear energy. If the electron is absorbed at this gamma ray frequency inside the nucleus and neutralized completely by the positive charge of a proton, a transformation of the proton into a neutron occurs in a phenomenon that is described as the second phase of beta radioactivity. 

Intriguingly, the second phase of beta radioactivity that transforms a proton into a neutron depicts a type of resurrection and glorification of the proton, as earlier established in my last blog post.  During this second phase of beta radioactivity, the electron that is absorbed at gamma ray frequency into the nucleus by the positive charge of a proton that transforms into a neutron can be understood through the parallel of what is described as “the indwelling Holy Ghost”.

After the transformation of a proton to a neutron, the outpour of nuclear waves of energy due to the release of an electron neutrino outside the nucleus can also be understood from the parallel analogy of “the outpoured Holy Ghost”.

Let us begin to examine these parallels by first revealing that the electron that is absorbed in form of nuclear energy by the positive charge of a proton during the second phase of beta radioactivity is a type of the indwelling Spirit that is absorbed in the capacity of the Holy Ghost at the point of resurrection.  This indwelling Spirit in the capacity of the Holy Ghost was first absorbed by the Lord Jesus at the point of his resurrection.  After his resurrection and before his ascension into heaven, the Lord Jesus appeared to his disciples and breathed on them, so that they could receive the new breath of the Holy Ghost as the indwelling Spirit.

‘Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father has sent me, even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:’ (John 20: 21-22)

The Holy Ghost breathed into the disciples of Jesus after his resurrection was a type of new life received in form of an indwelling spiritual nuclear energy. Thereafter, they had to wait for the Holy Ghost empowerment from heaven some days later as an outpoured Spirit, which would be the confirmation that the Lord Jesus had ascended into the highest heaven and has been glorified on the right hand of the Father in the same image and likeness. 

‘And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.’ (Luke 24:49)

After the disciples had received the Holy Ghost as the indwelling Spirit, the outpoured gift of the Holy Ghost was given some days later as the evidence that the Son of man had been glorified in heaven on the right-hand of the Father (Acts 2:1). In the same parallel, the outpoured gift of electron neutrino from the nucleus is the evidence that the proton has been glorified into a neutron.  In other words, the outpour of nuclear waves of energy through the gift of electron neutrino is only released from the nucleus after the positive charge that transforms into a neutral charge has ascended back into the first valence quark on the same side with the neutral charge that is ever present in the first valence quark. This confirms that a proton has been transformed and glorified into a neutron.

‘Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he has shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.’ (Acts 2:33)

The empowerment that is given through the outpoured gift of the Holy Ghost is a type of outpour of electron neutrinos, which activates the release of nuclear energy, as a confirmation that a proton has been glorified into a neutron. Similarly, the purpose of the Holy Ghost baptism was a spiritual empowerment given to activate the spiritual nuclear energy of the indwelling Holy Ghost that was already inside the believers.

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.’ (Acts 1:8).

In fulfillment of the promises in the scriptures above, it was after the gift of the Holy Ghost was poured on the disciples that they became empowered as apostles to perform many miraculous signs and wonders in witnessing the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

‘And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.’ (Acts 4:33)

Most of the electron neutrinos passing through the Earth come from the nuclear reactions from the Sun and it is estimated that more than 50 trillion electron neutrinos from the sun pass through the human body every second, which symbolizes a baptism into the gentle Personality of the Holy Ghost that is called the Comforter.  These electron neutrinos that come down to the Earth do not disturb the human body because they are only active in nuclear interactions. However, they usually carry energy out of the nucleus in form of heat, which they transfer to the human body just like the outpoured Holy Ghost was given for the purpose of empowerment.

Again, you get more of the gist concerning electron neutrinos….Hhmm, huh, oh, yeah!

Stay tuned for more gist on this same frequency…...

Ghostlike Nature Of Electron Neutrino (Part1)

Scientifically, the term “ghost” can be defined as a non physical body due to the complete absence of electromagnetic interactions. From a technical point of view, you would be considered a ghost-like entity if you could completely stop all forms of electromagnetic interactions in your body.  The complete absence of electromagnetic interactions would bring an end to your physical body such that you would be able to walk through walls or other forms of matter undisturbed. You might revert back to a physical body if you could resume the electromagnetic interactions. Generally, a body devoid of electromagnetic interactions begins to shrink and compressed under its own weight with high density and gravitational force while it tends to an almost zero size, till it disappears in space-time into a ghost-like state through the scientific process of a black-hole phenomenon.

In comparison, the general or traditional usage of the word “spirit” or “ghost” refers to a being without a physical body. For instance, the Lord Jesus confirmed how his resurrection appearance to his disciples was not a ghost because he revealed himself with a body that could be handled and felt physically, which proved that he did not appear to them as a spirit or ghost-like entity.

“But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. And he said unto them, why are ye troubled? …Behold my hands and my feet, that it is myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.” (Luke 24: 37-39)

As the manifested or incarnate Word of God, the resurrection of Jesus Christ was not just a spiritual resurrection but he was also able to manifest it with a physical body outside heaven at his will. 

‘THAT which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eye, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life:’ (1John 1:1)

The truth of the matter is that the word spirit simply means breath or the invisible immaterial part of a being that is often described with the electromagnetic attributes of an electron such as spark, fire, etc (Job 18:5-6; 33:4 ; John 6:63, Proverbs 20:27). On the other hand, the word “ghost” in many cultures and mythical stories, specifically refers to the re-appearance of a spirit that has undergone transition as a departed spirit to another realm.

Ghost-like Electron Neutrino

In a more precise definition, there is a slight difference between the usage of the word “spirit” and the word “ghost”, which is parallel to the slight difference between the usage of the word “electron” and “electron neutrino”.

Whenever the electromagnetic energy of a charged electron reaches its climax in form of a transition to nuclear energy, its negative charge easily causes it to be absorbed by the positive charge of a proton inside the nucleus such that the electron undergoes transition into a higher realm. This union of the electron with a positive charge of the proton forms a neutral charge that ascends into the first valence quark and the new waves of energy from the neutralized electron is a ghost-like wave that is called electron neutrino.

For a brief introduction, the only crucial difference between an electron and its neutrino is the electric charge, which is one of the main crucial differences between electromagnetic and nuclear radiation. As a nuclear energy carrier, an electron neutrino is electrically neutral because nuclear energy comes from the unification of the seven types of electromagnetic energy, which results in an electrically neutral state. As a neutral wave that does not have an electric charge, electron neutrinos have a ghost-like subatomic property that is not disturbed by electromagnetic interactions that affect a moving electron or charged particles. This ghost-like subatomic property enables neutrinos to gently pass through matter easily and undisturbed like the mythical belief of a ghost passing through a wall with ease. Due to this ghost-like nature, electron neutrinos often appear to travel much faster than photons conveyed by charged electrons. As a result, the bursts of neutrinos from the atomic nuclei in sun and stars usually reach the earth faster than photons that are conveyed by charged electrons in form of electromagnetic waves.  

Normally, all electromagnetic radiations travel at the same speed of light in a vacuum. However, the speed of charged electrons that convey electromagnetic energy in form of photons is sometimes retarded by electromagnetic interactions with other particles when passing through churning mass of exploding stars. Fascinatingly, neutrinos are not affected by these electromagnetic forces because their neutral waves give them a ghost-like interaction with normal matter, which enable them to pass through ordinary matter undisturbed and almost at the speed of light in a vacuum. 

As a carrier of nuclear radiation, the electron neutrino also has a propensity to exceed the speed of other forms of electromagnetic radiation because nuclear radiation is super-compressed electromagnetic radiation. Interestingly, the amount of neutrino on the side of the earth facing the Sun is almost the same with the other side away from the Sun because the ghost-like nature of neutrinos enables them to travel inside matter almost as fast as the speed of light in a vacuum.

As a carrier of nuclear energy with parallel attributes with the Holy Ghost that conveys the fire of God’s holiness inside the eternal heaven, the electron neutrino is mainly active inside the atomic nucleus because nuclear energy only resides inside the nucleus of atomic particles.

In the present day world, the need to channel the use of this nuclear energy beyond the nucleus for everyday use is one of greatest challenges that the scientific world is currently facing. However, the easiest way to overcome this challenge lies with an excellent understanding of the ghost-like nature of the electron by studying the parallel attributes of the biblical Personality that is called the Holy Ghost.

“Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God has showed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from, the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.” (Romans 1:19-20)

As a type of the third member of the Godhead, the electron is the third main atomic particle. Its ghost-like nature that is called the electron neutrino is the neutral nature of the electron that works as the carrier of the nuclear energy that resides in the atomic nucleus, as a type of the Holy Ghost in heaven. The charged nature of the electron is the carrier of electromagnetic energy that fills the space outside the nucleus like the cosmic background radiation, as a type of the manifestation of the third member of the Godhead in the capacity of the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent Spirit that encompasses space-time.

Out-pour Of Ghost-like Electron Neutrinos (Holy Ghost Baptism)

My last blog revealed how the release of ghost-like electron neutrino from the nucleus is the evidence that the positive charge of a proton has ascended into the first valence quark in the same image and likeness of the neutral charge inside the first valence quark.
As a result of this transformation and ascension into the first valence quark, there is an out-pour of the neutral waves of ghost-like electron neutrino out of the nucleus, as a confirmation that a proton has been glorified into a neutron. This is parallel to the out-pour of the Holy Ghost that was released from heaven on the Day of Pentecost, as a confirmation that the resurrected Son had been glorified in heaven on the right-hand side of the Father (John 7: 39).

‘Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he has shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.’ (Acts 2:33)

This fresh anointing of the Holy Ghost that is parallel to the out-pour of ghost-like electron neutrino is prophetically called the oil of gladness. Most of the neutrinos passing through the Earth come down from the nuclear reactions from the Sun. A release of nuclear energy from the nucleus in form of heat (energy in transit) usually accompanies this out-pour of electron neutrinos and it is estimated that more than 50 trillion electron neutrinos from the Sun pass through the human body every second just like the infilling of the Holy Ghost.  
‘And suddenly there came a sound from heaven like a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting…And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.’ (Acts 2: 2,4)

The gentle, non-disturbing and ghost-like nature of electron neutrinos that fill the human body portrays the gentle Personality of the Spirit in the capacity of the Holy Ghost that is called the Comforter. The attributes of the Comforter that comes from the Father’s nature are parallel to the gentle attributes of ghost-like electron neutrinos that come from the neutron’s nature. The neutrino outside the nucleus has a gentle ghost-like nature that is extremely non-interacting and very difficult to detect, which corresponds to the nature of the Holy Ghost that is called the Comforter. Till today, electron neutrinos are the least understood fundamental particles in science because their ghost-like attributes are extremely difficult to detect.

‘And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.. Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it sees him not, neither knows him…. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name….’ (John 14: 16-17, 26)

The neutrino is extremely difficult to detect because it is more of a neutral wave with almost a non-zero mass just as its name is derived from the Italian phrase, “small neutral one”. Generally, neutrinos carry nuclear energy in form of heat away from the Sun and it can be inferred from the scriptures that neutrino transfers some energy as it passes through the human body just like the baptism or infilling of the Holy Ghost was given to empower the sons of men.

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me….’ (Acts 1:8).

Furthermore, the fiery heat in form of nuclear energy conveyed out of the nucleus by electron neutrino is equivalent to unification of the seven types of electromagnetic energy conveyed by the electron outside the nucleus at gamma ray frequency. This can be understood from how the anointing of the Holy Ghost is equivalent to the unification of the seven types of spiritual energy conveyed outside the heaven, as the Spirit of the Lord or the seven Spirits of God. A full explanation is given in my books titled:

Theory Of Everything...New Scientific Discoveries” and “Unified Field Theory Confirmed With New Scientific Discoveries.

The parallels between the seven types of spiritual energy and the seven types of electromagnetic are carefully illustrated in the books mentioned above.  It reveals how the highest expression of the seven types of spiritual energy is called the Spirit of the Lord even though all the seven types of spiritual energy are unfolded from the same manifestation called the “Spirit of the Lord”. This can be understood from the parallel of how the highest expression of the seven types of electromagnetic energy is the gamma ray photon even though all the seven types of electromagnetic energy including the gamma ray itself are unfolded from the same gamma ray. The nuclear energy conveyed by the electron neutrino is equal to the electromagnetic energy conveyed by the electron at gamma ray frequency. This is due to the fact that the electromagnetic energy at gamma ray frequency is seven-fold electromagnetic energy that is electrically neutral and it  is equivalent to nuclear energy. 

Now, you get some of the gist about ghost-like neutrinos….Hhmm, huh, oh, yeah!

Stay tuned for the continuation of this discussion on this frequency.


Through scientific information and biblical parallels, some new discoveries concerning the internal structure of matter in its most simplified form will soon be revealed. This same topic is arguably the most difficult challenge that the scientific world is still trying to unravel concerning the internal structure of matter yet the biblical parallel gives a perfect answer. 

Help??  This strange creature was running towards me like a ferocious dinosaur!  Before it could kick me out of the way, I suddenly woke up and recovered myself from another realm because it was just a dream!  In reality, your physical body may not move while you are sleeping yet you could be consciously running in a dream state. This is a reminder that your real identity is a spirit being that is accommodated in a physical body [2 Corinthians 5:6-8].  Sometimes, you may be sweating or laughing in a dream and these expressions could be seen on your subconscious physical body that is sleeping.

Guess what? Consciously or subconsciously, we all exist in two realms that could be classified either as physical or spiritual (ghost-like).  Correspondingly, the atom is the basic unit of all forms of matter and the neutron, proton, and electron that form the atom also have two realms of active existence, which are parallel to our ghostlike and physical states of existence. The physical state of atomic particles comes from its electromagnetic energy that is also responsible for the visible existence. On the other hand, the ghostlike and invisible state of matter comes from its hidden realm of nuclear energy, which is even more real and energetic than the electromagnetic state [2Corinthians 5: 1]. ‘…for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2Corinthians 4:18)

For instance, scientists estimate that a teaspoonful equivalent of unseen neutron material in deep outer space would weigh more than a billion cars on earth because there are no electromagnetic forces in a neutron. My blog concerning the four fundamental forces of nature had earlier explained how there would be no physical interaction in the universe if there were no electromagnetic forces between the proton and electron because all other forms of interactions would be nuclear. Scientifically, the complete absence of electromagnetic forces would also make the entire universe to eventually experience a “black hole phenomenon” whereby the physical size of the universe tends to zero with an infinite density and gravitational force. 

In other words, every form of physical or visible interaction in the universe is due to the electromagnetic force of attraction between opposite charges and the force of repulsion between like charges.  For example, it is due to the repulsion from the electrons in the ground and the electrons in your feet that prevents you from sinking into the ground. In the absence of these electromagnetic interactions, there would be no physical interaction due to the tendency for a person to pass through objects like ghostlike neutrinos and neutron radiation. Again, the reason that a gamma ray or neutron radiation is highly penetrating is simply because it is electrically neutral such that it can easily pass through matter like an energetic ghost without hindrance.

The Two Neutral Charges Of A Neutron’s Internal Configuration

Only the neutron is completely electrically neutral among the three main atomic particles that form the atom. Now, let us recall that the invisible attributes of the Father in heaven can be seen and understood from the nature of the neutron inside the atomic nucleus. The neutron is also the only main sub-atomic particle that has both of its active states in form of nuclear interactions, which are represented by two neutral charges in its first valence quark at pure gamma ray frequency.
These two identical neutral charges in the neutron’s first valence quark portray the beginning and highest configuration of atomic particles, as they symbolize the Father and identical Son in the capacity of the Word of God that was with the Father in the beginning.

‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.’ (John 1: 1-2)

Thus, the beginning and highest configuration of atomic particles are two identical neutral charges in the first valence quark in form of a neutron, which symbolizes the Father and the Son in the capacity of the Word of God that was with the Father in the beginning.

‘And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.’ (John 17: 5)

It can easily be inferred from biblical parallels that only the first valence quark is active inside a neutron but the remaining two valence quarks are filled with nuclear energy in transit by electron neutrino. Likewise, the rest of the internal configuration of the neutron and the atomic nucleus is also filled with nuclear energy conveyed by the ghostlike electron neutrino. As a result, the three valence quarks in a neutron are neutralized and unified into the active first valence quark through the strong force of the gamma ray that comes from both neutral charges in the first valence quark. This portrays the picture of how the three members of the Godhead were unified as one entity before time began with respect to the mustard seed analogy and the parable of the three leavens concerning how the universe began.

Therefore, only the first valence quark is active inside a neutron, which consists of two identical neutral charges that symbolize the Father and Son in the Bosom of the Father in the capacity of the Word of God that was with God in the beginning. The ghostlike electron neutrino that fills the first valence quark with the waves of nuclear energy is a type of the Holy Ghost that fills the Bosom of the Father with the waves of energy in the eternal heaven.

‘For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.’ (1John 5: 7)

The Electron And Electron Neutrino

I already revealed in my last blog how the third main atomic particle that is called the electron also has two active states of energy, as a type of the third member of the Godhead. The first active nature of the electron is the ghost-like electron neutrino that only conveys nuclear energy inside the atomic nucleus at the level of the gamma ray frequency, which is a type of the Holy Ghost that fills the eternal heaven at the level of the settled word of God,
The second nature of the electron is the charged electron that conveys electromagnetic energy, which reveals the attributes of the third member of the Godhead in the capacity of the Personality called the Holy Spirit. This charged nature of the electron that conveys electromagnetic energy outside the nucleus is the part of the electron’s configuration that interacts with the positive charge of a proton, which results in physical interactions and visible manifestations. Besides, the space outside the nucleus is filled with waves of electromagnetic that are conveyed by the charged electron. These waves of electromagnetic energy that fill the space outside the nucleus is a model of the waves of electromagnetic energy that fill the entirety of space and time in form of what is called the Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR).

As a type of the seven manifestations of the Spirit of God that are unified in the heavenly Personality called the Holy Ghost, the electron neutrino inside the nucleus transfers nuclear energy through the unification of the seven types of electromagnetic energy in form of  intense heat that could produce electrical discharges. Outside the nucleus, the charged electron transfers the seven types of electromagnetic energy that unfold from nuclear energy through charged electrical energy, which could also produce intense heat.

The Proton’s Internal Configuration (Neutral and Positive)

As earlier revealed, the highest Personality of the second member of the Godhead is in the capacity of the Word of God on the right hand side of the Father just as the highest state of the proton is in form of a gamma radiating neutral charge on the right hand side of the neutral charge in the first valence quark.  These two neutral charges in the first valence quark define the neutron’s configuration.

A positive charge appears in the second valence quark when a neutral charge in the first valence quark of a neutron emits an electron and descends into the second valence quark. This transforms a neutron into a proton when a neutral charge sacrifices its electron outside the nucleus, which symbolizes how God sacrificed his life by manifesting as the Son of God. After the transformation of a neutron into a proton, only a neutral charge remains in the first valence quark because the second neutral charge that sacrificed its electron has descended into the second valence quark as a positive.  Accordingly, the internal configuration of a proton is a neutral charge in the first valence that is active in nuclear interactions within the nucleus and a positive charge in the second valence quark that is active in electromagnetic interactions outside the nucleus. These are the only two active valence quarks in a proton and it is through the positive charge in the second valence quark that we see objects and matter particles because it corresponds with the visible light that makes us see things at the centre of the electromagnetic spectrum.

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. No man has seen God at anytime; the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him.” (John 1: 14, 18)

As a type of the manifestation of the second member of the Godhead outside heaven in the capacity of the manifested Son of God, the positive charge that activates the proton’s second valence quark is only active outside sub-nuclear range. This positive charge of the proton exerts a positive force that pulls the rest of the atom towards the nucleus through the electron that was sacrificed outside the nucleus. This also symbolizes how the Son of God that goes outside the Father’s Bosom pulls those outside the eternal heaven into a binding covenant relationship towards the nucleus based on the life of the Spirit that was given to the world. This binding covenant that joins two opposite parties is like the marriage between two opposite sex, which typifies the second fundamental force of nature. The basis of this covenant relationship is through the electron that was sacrificed outside the nucleus, which makes a neutron to manifest as a proton through what is called radioactive beta decay.
 ‘Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.’ (1John 3:16)

Amazing Love - ( Sacrificial Death,  Resurrection and Glorification Of The Proton).

The third valence quark in a neutron or proton is usually not active except during energy transfer in a phenomenon known as radioactivity.
In the first type of radioactive beta decay, a free neutron sacrifices his life and decays into a proton by emitting an electron and its antiparticle in form of an antineutrino. The antineutrino that is purged is the antiparticle of the electron neutrino and it symbolizes the antimatter that is not compatible with the Father’s nature in heaven (Ezek. 28: 14-16, Luke 10: 19).

The electron that is emitted as a beta particle outside the nucleus symbolizes the life of God that was given through the sacrificial gift of the Son of God, as a price for reconciliation and for purging an antimatter out of the nucleus in form of an antineutrino . Thus, the first type of radioactive beta decay portrays the great sacrificial death that was given as the price of redemption of the world from the judgment of sin.

“For God so loved the world,  that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3: 16)

The second type of beta radioactivity is a type of resurrection, which occurs when the positive charge in the proton’s second valence quark absorbs an electron from outside the nucleus through its third valence quark and changes back into a neutron. This electron absorption then transforms the positive charge in the second valence quark of a proton into a neutral charge. Subsequently, the newly transformed neutral charge ascends back into the first valence quark on the right hand side of the ever-present neutral charge in the first valence quark, which transform the proton back to a neutron. The above scientific illustration portrays the resurrection and glorification of the Son of God, who ascended into the highest heaven on the right hand of the Father.

‘…by the resurrection of Jesus Christ; Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.’ (1Peter 3: 21)

After the neutral ascends back to the right-hand side of the neutral charge that is ever-present in the the first valence quark, an electron neutrino is released outside the nucleus as evidence that the proton has been glorified into a neutron. This electron neutrino that is generated is a ghostlike nature of the electron that is released out of the nucleus, which symbolizes the gift of the Holy Ghost that is released from heaven based on the ascension and glorification of the resurrected Son of God on the right hand of the Father.

‘Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he has shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.’ (Acts 2:33)

The neutrino that is released is a ghostlike particle because it is the electrically neutral nature of the electron and it is extremely difficult to detect because of its gentle and ghostlike nature.  This ghostlike neutrino symbolizes the Holy Ghost, who is called the Comforter as well as the Spirit of truth that the world does not know because his manifestation has not yet been revealed to the world.
More gists will be coming your way concerning the gift of this electron-neutrino. Stay tuned….

References From My book Titled:
1)      Unified Field Theory Confirmed With New Scientific Discoveries!!

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