I must apologize to my beloved readers for the delay in compiling the structure of matter due to a change of location and the need to take a break and re-FRESH. Now, let’s continue ……
Scientifically, the source of all matter or mass from the beginning of existence is Light energy, which is also confirmed in the biblical account of creation. Besides, the mass-energy equivalence principle of relativity, popularly known by the equation, E=MC2 also explains how mass or matter are different expressions of light energy. However, the greatest challenge sequel to this discovery is the need to explain how light energy forms the structure of matter and by what arrangement?
Arguably, the best answer provided since the discovery of Einstein’s mass- energy equivalence principle of relativity is the scientific theory known as quantum chromodynamics theory, which has many limitations. For many years, the need to understand the cause of universal gravitation and the explanation of the structure of matter had been the most difficult challenges of quantum mechanics and the construction of a unified field theory that unites quantum and relativity events. Albert Einstein also tried to unveil the cause of universal gravitation and thought that if only he could find the right unified field theory, that theory might also explain the structure of matter, which he was unable to unravel till he died yet he knew it would be discovered in the future.
In previous discussions and blogs, we have unveiled how the cause of universal gravitation is due to the residual effect of the strong nuclear force beyond the atomic nucleus. Now, let us examine new discoveries that give more illumination concerning the structure of matter. Surprisingly, this scientific challenge concerning a perfect explanation of how light constitutes the structure of matter is best understood by comparing the parallels of the biblical principles of light with the scientific parallels in the quantum chromodynamics theory, which elucidates all its limitations. (Hhhmmm….Funny enough, I once laughed when someone said that God hides things from us by keeping them very close to us).
Everything that formed the universe came from the nuclear energy of light of the gamma ray that resides in the nucleus. This is parallel to the biblical description of how everything that formed the universe came out of the light energy of the word of God in eternity. In other words, the gamma ray light that is settled inside the nucleus is just like the light of the word of God that is settled inside the eternal heaven.
‘Forever, O, LORD, Thy word is settled in heaven.’ (Psalm 119: 89)
Scientifically, the radiant energy that comes from the invisible gamma ray exists in two states. Intriguingly, the biblical description of the radiant energy that comes from the light of God also exists in two states called “Logos” and “Rhema”, which are two different words that are translated in English, as the word of God. It exists in form of nuclear energy inside the nucleus and it is transferred outside the nucleus in form of seven photons of electromagnetic energy. Hence, the nuclear energy of light inside the nucleus includes the seven photons of electromagnetic energy just like the nuclear energy of God’s light in eternity that is called the “Logos” includes seven manifestations of faith energy that are called the seven spirits of God. By comparison, the nuclear energy inside the light of the gamma ray that is revealed through seven manifestations of electromagnetic energy is parallel to the holiness that is inside the light of the word of God that is settled in the eternal habitation of God’s glory, which is revealed through seven manifestations of spiritual energy that are called the seven Spirits of God.
‘….and there are seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.’ (Revelation 5:4)
The equivalent of the nuclear energy of God’s light exists inside the eternal heaven as the “word of God” that is translated from the Greek word, “Logos”, which is the same as God. This light of knowledge in eternity that is called the Word of God is the only light that bears the same nature with God the Father because it is the same as God the Father. This is parallel to how the gamma ray inside the nucleus is the only kind of light that bears the same nature with the neutron and it is indeed the same as the neutron because they are at the same frequency of light.
‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.’ (John 1: 1-2)
At the level of the light of the settled word of God in heaven, the Son of God reveals the full image and all the attributes of the Father just as the proton best reveals the full image of the neutron at the frequency of light of the gamma ray that is settled inside the atomic nucleus. Thus, the light of the gamma ray inside the atomic nucleus where the neutron dwells with the proton is exactly parallel to the light of the word of God inside the eternal dwelling of the Father and His Son. This energetic light of the settled word of God that is inside the Bosom of the Father and his Son is the invisible light of immortality that cannot be seen nor approached by mortals, which is just like the invisible gamma ray inside the nucleus.
‘Who only has immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man has seen, nor can see: to whom be honor and power everlasting.’ (1Timothy 6:16)
The neutron that permanently resides in the light of the gamma ray inside the nucleus portrays the Father, who permanently dwells inside the light of immortality that is settled in heaven as the word of God. Accordingly, the radiant energy of the neutron is only at the frequency of the nuclear energy of the gamma ray that resides inside the nucleus just like the purity of holiness inside the light in eternity, which is extremely dangerous to mortals such that it plays an important role in many nuclear reactions. Therefore, the normal precaution of protection from a neutron’s radiation is for mortals to avoid exposure from the source as far as possible because the light of the neutron is only at the frequency of nuclear energy that portrays the holiness of the light in eternity. ‘…Thou cannot see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.’ (Exodus 33: 20)
However, the light of the word of God inside the Father’s eternal Bosom that cannot be seen and approached directly is revealed through the Son of God that goes out of eternity. This Son of God that goes out of eternity as the light of the word of God reveals the image and attributes of the Father just as the proton that goes out of the nucleus as the light of the gamma ray reveals the image and attributes of the neutron by descending to a lower frequency of light (Hebrews 1:1-3; Colossians1: 15).
‘No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him.’ (John 1:14)
Therefore, the light of the word of God that is manifested through the second member of the Godhead that goes outside eternity also descends in energy level until most of the light is revealed as the visible light of knowledge that gives spiritual illumination to the world in darkness. Similarly, the light of the gamma ray that is manifested through the proton that goes out of the nucleus gradually descends in energy outside the nucleus. Eventually, most of the light of the proton is revealed in the frequency of the second spectrum as the visible light from the nuclear reaction in the bright stars and sunlight, which comes down to the Earth to give illumination in the darkness of space.
“I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believes on me should not abide in darkness.” (John 12: 46)
Furthermore, it is also worth stating that the purity of light in the word of God that is called the “Logos” in the eternal heaven goes out through the seven manifestations of spiritual energy in the capacity of the word of God, that is translated from the Greek word “Rhema”.
By comparison, the nuclear energy of light of the gamma ray inside the nucleus also goes out through the seven manifestations of electromagnetic energy in form of seven lamps of fire that are called the seven photons of light. These photons are invisible substances of light that have no mass and they operate just like the invisible substances of faith that come from the light of the word of God that is translated from the Greek word “Rhema, which is the underlying reality of everything that was created. Everything in its unseen state already exists in form of the invisible substance of faith in the light of the manifested word of God that is called Rhema. Likewise, everything in the natural already exists scientifically in the invisible substance that is called a photon, which is conveyed outside the nucleus in form of the electromagnetic energy of light that is parallel to “Rhema”.
“Through faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made from things which do appear.’ (Hebrews 11:3)
We can re-phrase the scriptural context above from a scientific perspective by stating that: “Through photons, we understand that the worlds were framed by the energy of light of the gamma ray, so that the things which are seen were made from the invisible photons that came out of the gamma ray light that we cannot see. The same way that the photon that goes out of the nuclear energy of the gamma ray light can be considered as a substance is parallel to how the energy that is released from the portion of the Logos of God’s word can manifest as a substance through the Rhema that brings faith energy. Similarly, the portion of the nuclear energy that goes out of the nucleus is the electromagnetic energy of light that releases photons, which are invisible substances that have no mass yet they are underlying reality of what framed the universe.
The tiniest indivisible particle that goes out from the light of the word of God is called faith just as the tiniest indivisible particle that goes out of the natural light is called a photon.
Moreover, the same way that the scriptures reveal that all things were created by the word of God is parallel to the scientific explanation concerning how all forms of matter in the universe were created by the light of the gamma ray (Hebrews 11:3; John 1:1-3).
‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God…All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.’ (John 1: 1-3)
In the analogies of the first part of this discussion concerning the structure of matter, we have only examined the relationship between nuclear energy and electromagnetic energy. In the subsequent blogs, we shall go deeper by examining the structural arrangement of lights in form of the three valence quarks that form the internal structure of the nuclear particles that constitute the structure of matter.
In the meantime, let’s re-FRESH at the “Household of God”. Stay tuned……
[Extracts from my books titled:
1) Unified Field Theory Confirmed With New Scientific Discoveries !!
2)Theory of Everything...New Scientific Discoveries!